Seeing Clearly

Welcome to contributor Greg Richardson who has some great thoughts on seeing clearly.

Seeing clearly can be a challenge for me. I have been nearsighted for as long as I can remember.

single human eye on face

Image by orangeacid

I got my first pair of eyeglasses when I was in third grade, because I could not see the board in school. I cannot read anything that is my arm’s length away without their help.

My glasses allow me to see things clearly and distinctly that would otherwise be lost to me. I cannot really appreciate beautiful photographs or painting, or beautiful faces, without them. I cannot drive without them. The night sky is lost to me without my glasses, as are the views of the landscape here in California; the mountains, the desert, and the ocean. I tried surfing for the first time last year, and not seeing was a serious challenge.I would not be able to enjoy the lights of cities, architecture, or the wonders of high resolution and high definition.

Without the help and correction of my glasses, I would need to draw more things much more close to appreciate how they look. I would miss a lot.

Now, I have read that what is essential is invisible to the eye. Many of the things that are most important for me to see do not depend on my eyesight.

When I stop and look closely, I can see the love that surrounds our everyday lives. I can see the concerns of other people by listening to their voices. When I take the time, I can see the deepest truths of who I am when I look within myself.

The seeing I do without my glasses often helps me see more clearly with my glasses.

What helps you see clearly? How will you help yourself see more clearly today?

Read more about Greg. 


Filed under Contributor, Truth

4 responses to “Seeing Clearly

  1. Greg, I too had to start wearing glasses at an early age, and eventually my sight grew quite poor. A few years ago I had surgery that restored my vision to nearly 20/20. You are right, what we see without our glasses is as important to what we see with them, and what sometimes matters the most is what we see inside ourselves. Thank you for sharing your insight and perspective.


  2. I’m always amazed at the depth of compassion that shines through your words. Totally Awesome!

    I’m with you Greg. I can’t see. But then again, seeing is a gift.

    Vision is definitely a view of perspective and expectation. Our worldview colors and constructs the world we see. As a Lawyer and a Professor, you intimately know the ‘robes of understanding’ you put on to be extraordinary in those fields.

    I’m not quite legally blind, but I love not wearing my glasses. It’s freeing and softens my world into a display of wonder, not unlike Picasso or Monet.

    As a grower, I’m outside all day working in the fields and greenhouses. It rocks being outside digging my hands into the growing of life. It’s always changing and never the same. What worked yesterday, has to be modified to work today, or totally junked.

    Weeds mimic plants, so that when I’m weeding I have to focus on the weeds or I won’t see them. So it is in life, we get more of what we focus on. In my case weeds. :-))

    Clear vision and a loving heart. Thanks Greg.


  3. Thank you, D’Anne. It is a treat to share and trade posts with you.

    People talk about how seeing is believing, and how our perceptions shape our understanding and our actions. What we see can be changed dramatically by pausing to spend some time with our eyes closed, looking within.


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