Tag Archives: trick-or-treat

Fun, Fun, Fun

We’re busy getting ready for Halloween here at our house, the most joyous holiday of the year for Brad. His inner

young black woman and young white man dancing outside in renaissance-period clothing.

Dressing up to play a part is a perfect way to escape your adult routine and have a little fun. Let this Halloween weekend be a time of joy for you and your inner child.

child will have the kind of fun over the next two days that makes most adults envious and scares the dickens out the pint-sized.

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Filed under Openness

To Be, or Not To Be

When Shakespeare penned “to be, or not to be,” for Hamlet 400 years ago, he was talking about living or dying. But Halloween is this week and I suspect many people in the

To Be, Or Not to Be, Brad W. Smith photographer, LifeIsHOTBlog, Man in butler costume and Halloween make-up

The butler did it. He thrilled the kids with candy and with his creepy laugh.

past month have faced their own to be, or not to be, dilemma. Whether they should be spooky or silly, hero or bum, store-bought glitzy or home-made clever?

This year an estimated 41 million people will trick-or-treat, and spend $2.5 billion on costumes for adults, children and pets. (Yes, pets.) Each trickster or treater will haul home more than a pound of candy. Continue reading


Filed under Honesty