Tag Archives: Valentine’s Day

14 Ways to Love Yourself

How do you show you love yourself? For starters, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so you can

Two gift bags of identical shape and size.

Only when you give yourself the gift of love can you give the gift of love to others.


buy yourself a gift. Have no idea what you’d like? That’s okay, take a few minutes right now and think about how you can show you love yourself. I have 14 ways you can love yourself that I’ll share with you. Continue reading


Filed under Truth

So, What are You Doing for Valentine’s?

We’ve been talking at work this week about our plans for Valentine’s Day.

heart drawn in the sand near ocean waves

Whether you’re a hopeful, or hopeless, romantic, trust in your heart and hold what is dear to you safely within it.

I love the variety of answers, from a decades-long tradition of a dinner this night at the same restaurant that includes the children – ‘they are my Valentines too!’ – to an even longer tradition of always some new way to celebrate, to attending a sporting event together, to romantic celebrations that continue into the weekend, to ‘we just hope to get all the kids to bed at a decent hour.’

 Whether like my work mates you are in a perfect-enough relationship, or exploring a new one, nursing wounds from one recently ended, grieving the loss of the love of your life, working through the pain of a divorce, juggling an undisclosed threesome, or frustrated by your singleness, today, make time for the one most important thing. Continue reading


Filed under Trust